Driving Policy


Our Driving Policy applies to every person on the use of the company’s vehicles. Only the roles in which driving is shown among the activities – on the job description, employment agreement, or contract – are authorised to drive the company’s vehicles.

To eliminate or minimise risks, a full license is required when driving a company vehicle. Drivers are responsible for observing New Zealand’s traffic law and safe driving practices. Faults as exceeding the speed limit, parking in a prohibited area, or any other action considered an endangerment of own, and other’s safety will be subject to disciplinary action.

Maxion Building Services is committed to offering reliable vehicles, guaranteeing regular inspections through the Equipment Use and Maintenance Process. All managers are responsible for guaranteeing the execution of daily pre-start checklist of vehicles and ensuring their documentation is up to date. Each worker is accountable for the good maintenance and responsible use of the company’s vehicles. Any vehicle fault, losses, or untidiness must be reported to the office straight away.

While driving, all potential distractions must be avoided, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Eating or drinking;
  • Operating mobile phones, laptops or personal grooming devices;
  • Reading documents or taking notes; and
  • Taking part in emotionally charged conversations with passengers.

In case the driver needs to access one device, it should be done with the vehicle parked.

All workers have the moral, ethical, and legal responsibility to ensure their safety and to not cause harm to others as a result of their action or inaction.

Managing Director

Charles Chen

Dated: September 2023

Operations Manager

Bowen Hao

Dated: September 2023